Friday, September 10, 2010

Weekly Update (Grandy's B-Day, The Big Pool, 2nd Dr. Apt. & Going to Work)

Now that the weekend is here, I realized that I hadn't updated the blog in awhile. I've actually been trying to write this for the past two days, but Brian's out of town and since I'm here alone with Wesley, you can imagine the amount of "free time" I'm having - LOL. So, here I am 10:30pm on Saturday night - here are a few highlights from our past week+:

Grandy's Birthday Celebration
Last Saturday we spent the day at my parents to celebrate my mom's birthday (which was on the 1st). Wesley had fallen asleep on the way over and he woke up once we got there unfortunately, not in the best mood since he was in a strange place. However, he warmed up pretty quickly - just in time for my my brother, his fiance, her son and my nephew to arrive. It was fun with a full house of kids all difference ages. Wesley did great and we think my brother J better watch out because "somebody" has a new girlfriend, J's fiance Kelli. The older "kids" supplied all the food and Brian worked the grill so that the Birthday Girl didn't have to do a thing. Mom said it was the "best birthday in a long time." :)

Labor Day @ The Lara's
We took the nature trail to our friends Jose & Shannon's house Monday for an adult "play date" but secretly we knew they really wanted to see Wesley. We had pizza for lunch and the plan was to put Wesley in the "grown up" pool after he ate his lunch. Well, he was in a really good mood for the first part of the visit however by the time we were ready for "pool time" I think he was a little cranky (teething) and we possibly approached the whole pool thing wrong. Jose and Shannon were so sweet by buying a little floaty thing for Wesley to sit in with a sunshade and everything. We went ahead and just put him in it with Brian in the pool. Well, the tears came immediately. I think the combination of not "easing into it" and the water being a bit cool may have set him off. We were also quickly approaching nap time, so that didn't help. We had a great time regardless and Wesley actually ended up falling asleep in my arms while we hung out in the shade. So, we were able to visit with our dear friends a bit longer before we hit the trail home.

Smiling for Shannon's camera. Did I mention that he's a flirt?

Hey, are you taking my picture?

He finally pooped out and fell asleep on Mom.

Wesley slept the whole walk home - big day for him.

15 Month Check-Up
Wednesday Wesley had his 15 month check-up with our pediatrician. I was a little concerned since the only appointment available was 2pm (Wesley's nap time), so we hoped for the best and Wesley stayed awake on the way there, so we were in good shape. He LOVES his pediatrician so another win. The check-up went really well and our pediatrician was very pleased with the progress Wesley has made in the past month developmentally as well as physically. He actually lost weight - what?!? The kid can't stop eating, so we were a little shocked. Typically, doctors aren't in favor of little ones losing weight at this age, but it was such a little loss and it put Wesley right about where our pediatrician thought he should be in terms of height and weight that he felt that he was "right on." Unfortunately, Wesley did have to get a few vaccinations which was hard on us to watch, but it was necessary. He was a trooper and the rest of the afternoon he didn't seem bothered by the shots, he had more discomfort from the molars that he's cutting.

Wesley Goes To Work
Thursday, we headed to my place of employment so that Wesley could meet the wonderful people that I work with. I work for an advertising agency that is approximately 45 minutes-1 hour from our home (depending on traffic). Wesley fell asleep in the car on the way there, so when we arrived, we had to wake him up but he got in a good nap before meeting everyone. It was so cute because before we even got him out of the car, my friend Marjan peaked out of the front door and said, "Come On! We can't wait any longer!" So, we quickly gathered up Wesley and our stuff and went inside. Everyone was gathered in the conference room with a cake, presents and lots of smiles. :)

The cake for Wesley. It was yummy. Brian had 2 pieces.

Wesley had a really good time meeting everyone and we were really thrilled to see that he wasn't overwhelmed. There were about 25-30 people in the room and he did great. He was all smiles, he flirted with the ladies as he always does and he even was okay going to Joette (my boss), Sherry (one of the very nice ladies at work), Marjan (good friend at work) and Teresa (another friend at work & Korean mommy) briefly for some lovin'. We needed to try/experiment with "outings" like this and he did great, so we are so pleased.

This weekend Brian is out of town for my little brother's bachelor party in San Diego (Michelle, don't think we didn't "talk" about a visit - j/k). So, Wesley and I are hanging out Mom and Son - all weekend long. So far, it's been a lot of fun. It's tiring, but we're getting in some good bonding time. Here are a few photos. I'll post more after the weekend is over. Got to get some sleep. zzzzzzzzzzzz.
Wesley is finally getting warmed up to a rocking horse that we got as a gift. It's really cool - it's a rocking horse that converts to a rolling horse.

Wesley is fascinated with the washer and dryer.

Wesley on the nature trail walk with Mom Saturday morning - it's a lot of fun!


  1. I love reading how things are going. I'm glad to hear things are getting better and better. Sounds like you and Wesley were going to have a great time this weekend together! Nothing like Mommie hanging with her boy!

  2. How sweet is that pic of Wesley sleeping on Mommy's chest! I love it. I'm so glad to hear your weekend alone is going so well! What a trooper you are! I don't know that I'd be ready for that for quite some time. =) AND, I wiiish you could have made a trip to SD! Next time. For sure.

  3. LOVE the pics. All of them. Totally hear ya about the lack of free time. So glad things are getting better. Sounds like you have been busy lately! Glad to hear that Wesley goes along for the ride well and that he's a happy boy! What a sweetie you have! LOVE the updates.
