Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - The "Faces" of Wesley

Lately, Wesley has had a wee bit of an "attitude" one could say. There are times when we're not sure whether to chalk things that he does up to being a toddler or if it's an "adoption thing." Well, we're pretty sure that the attitude, the drama/crocodile tears and the testing us is a toddler thing. Today during lunch when I told him "no" to something, it came out in full force so I decided to capture it (yes, they are in sequence). Enjoy. . .


  1. Attitude or not... He is adorable!!! Looks like you may have a future Oscar winner on your hands :o) His range is incredible. Love the pictures. Love you guys! J&S

  2. can you tell him NO?

  3. I can definitely relate to some of these faces! Such a cutie!

  4. those photos had me in stitches! thanks for making me smile Wesley!
